Office Address:
The Deanery
17 St Stephens Ave
There is ample free parking available on Brighton Rd, St Stephens Ave and surrounding streets. If spaces are available you may park on the grounds accessed by the St Stephens Ave entrance
The Deanery is a historic building on the corner of St Stephen’s Ave and Brighton Rd, Parnell. The entrance to the building is through the door facing the corner of St Stephens Ave and Brighton Rd. Press the bell as you enter and make yourself comfortable in the waiting room to your right. The person with whom you have made an appointment will meet you there as soon as they are available.
Bishop Selwyn was the first resident of The Deanery – read more.

If arriving by motorway take the PORT exit into Stanley St and turn right into Parnell Rise and continue up Parnell Rd. Turn left into St Stephen’s Ave by the Cathedral. Brighton Rd is the first street to the right and you will see The Deanery on the corner.
If arriving from Newmarket, drive from Broadway along Parnell Rd. Turn right into St Stephens Ave by the Cathedral. Brighton Rd is the first street on the right and you will see the Deanery on the corner.